Join and tell your Gospel Story today!

Do you find it hard to share the gospel?

  • Is it my responsibility to give the Gospel?

  • Have you ever struggled to give the Gospel?

  • Have you ever felt you missed an opportunity to share the Gospel with a loved one?

  • Do you struggle to talk about the Gospel with others?

Our Goals

Give the Gospel

Building a community of Christians that have the desire to give the Gospel to their family and friends.

Encourage Others to Give the Gospel

To provide education, resources, and encouragement to individuals to learn how to share their Gospel story.

Help People to Take Responsibility to give the Gospel

To engage Christians in winning people to themselves through realtionships to win them to Christ

What is Gospel Tools?

Gospel Tools is an online community that uses technology to provide individuals with education, resources and encouragement to learn how to share the Gospel with their neighbors, family and friends.

Gospel Blueprint Course

The Gospel Blueprint Course is a 12 Lesson Course that teaches you how to give the Gospel in a conversational manner, and how to share your own Gospel Story!

Learn How to Give the Gospel

Gospel Teams Community

Join a Community of Christians who are excited about giving the Gospel! We host webinars and events to help you stay encouraged to share the Gospel! Join today and be part of the Gospel Team!

Gospel Toolbox Resources

Get the Resources You Need to Share the Gospel! Download Digital Gospel Tracts, Gospel Videos, Gospel Social Media Slides, and much more! Become a member today to access the Gospel Toolbox!

Access the Gospel Toolbox! Download Digital Gospel Tracts, Social Media Graphics, Gospel Videos, and More for Free!

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